Code Review
ref: Thoughtbot Playbook
Code review is an important step before we start using developed code in production. Reviews that happen before code goes into master
offer many benefits:
The whole team learns about new code as it is written.
Mistakes are caught earlier.
Coding standards are more likely to be established, discussed, and followed.
Feedback from this style of code review is far more likely to be applied.
No one forgets context (“Why did we write this?”) since it’s fresh in the author’s mind.
Accept that many programming decisions are opinions. Discuss tradeoffs, which you prefer, and reach a resolution quickly.
Ask good questions; don’t make demands. (“What do you think about naming this
?”) -
Good questions avoid judgment and avoid assumptions about the author’s perspective.
Ask for clarification. (“I didn’t understand. Can you clarify?”)
Avoid selective ownership of code. (“mine”, “not mine”, “yours”)
Avoid using terms that could be seen as referring to personal traits. (“dumb”, “stupid”). Assume everyone is intelligent and well-meaning.
Be explicit. Remember people don’t always understand your intentions online.
Be humble. (“I’m not sure - let’s look it up.”)
Don’t use hyperbole. (“always”, “never”, “endlessly”, “nothing”)
Don’t use sarcasm.
Keep it real. If emoji, animated gifs, or humor aren’t you, don’t force them. If they are, use them with aplomb.
Talk synchronously (e.g. chat, screen-sharing, in person) if there are too many “I didn’t understand” or “Alternative solution:” comments. Post a follow-up comment summarizing the discussion.
Having Your Code Reviewed
Be grateful for the reviewer’s suggestions. (“Good call. I’ll make that change.”)
Be aware that it can be challenging to convey emotion and intention online
Explain why the code exists. (“It’s like that because of these reasons. Would it be more clear if I rename this class/file/method/variable?”)
Extract some changes and refactoring into future tickets/stories.
Push commits based on earlier rounds of feedback as isolated commits to the branch. Do not squash until the branch is ready to merge. Reviewers should be able to read individual updates based on their earlier feedback.
Seek to understand the reviewer’s perspective.
Try to respond to every comment.
Wait to merge the branch until continuous integration has been complete.
Merge once you feel confident in the code and its impact on the project.
Final editorial control rests with the pull request author.
Reviewing Code
Understand why the change is necessary (fixes a bug, improves the user experience, refactors the existing code). Then:
Communicate which ideas you feel strongly about and those you don’t.
Identify ways to simplify the code while still solving the problem.
Offer alternative implementations, but assume the author already considered them. (“What do you think about using a custom validator here?”)
Seek to understand the author’s perspective.
Sign off on the pull request with a 👍 or “Ready to merge” comment.
Remember that you are here to provide feedback, not to be a gatekeeper.
Style Comments
Reviewers should comment on missed style guidelines. Example comment:
> Order resourceful routes alphabetically by name.
An example response to style comments:
Whoops. Good catch, thanks. Fixed in a4994ec.
If you disagree with a guideline, open an issue on the guides repo rather than debating it within the code review. In the meantime, apply the guideline.