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Click Up

We use Click Up to keep track of to-do tasks, goals, deadlines, notes, support tickets, etc. It helps teams work together, stay productive, organized, and accountable.


Within Click Up you can create spaces and folder for different projects. With in those you can create different lists where you actually create tasks to keep track of. For example we might have a list for “Sprint 6” and a list for “Issues”.

For each task you create, you can add a description, sub tasks, set its status, priority, estimated time to complete, and you can specific people to it.

Every thing you work on needs to be added in Click Up. This is how we keep track of the team’s and individuals’ progress.

If its not in Click Up it didn’t happen!


Comments can be made on specific projects, assignments, or tickets within Click Up. Support tickets can also be created in Click Up.

Support Tickets

Support tickets can be created within Click Up for issues or need changes. When creating a support ticket, be very specific about what the problem is and how to reproduce it.

Tickets can also be created and sent to Click Up by sending an email to

Github issues can be created within GitHub repos if changes need to be made to source code. If issues are created and closed within GitHub, they should be linked back to click up tickets in order to keep track of why the change was made.