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ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)

The ERP system dashboard gives you access to different pages in the system depending on your user role. The following are some of the key areas


The products section allows you to add and manage all the products. You can modify the products name, sku, stock, price, categories, tags, description, images, etc.


The commerce section gives you access to orders place, customers, coupon management, and other sales reports.


Users section is used to add and manage users, their information, and their roles.


The pages, media, appearance, and settings sections allow you to modify and configure the websites.

Inventory Management

Bill of Material (BOM)

​ SKU convention

​ school-product-color-size


The out of stock threshold can be set so that a replacement order is placed before we actually run out. If you know that you sell a lot of one product, you can set the threshold higher.



Main -

​ Contains the master catalog for all the stores

Schools - e.g.

​ Contains only the catalog items for that school

Sku convention


​ school-product-color-size

  • School id is 0000 in the sku if it applies to multiple schools


Categories are used to denote which schools, age groups, genders and product categories a product is in.

Gender and Age Groups

Products are either assigned to the Girls, Boys, or Girls and Boys categories. Each gender category has a sub categories for each grade that its products pertain to. For example, if a product is associated with Girls 9-12, then it would be in the following categories:

  • Girls

  • Girls -> Grade 9

  • Girls -> Grade 10

  • Girls -> Grade 11

  • Girls -> Grade 12

Payment Processing

For collecting payments from users via credit or debit card, we use Stripe. It is a payment gateway and merchant account.

Charges for Stripe will vary depending on usage. Successful credit card charges are 2.9% + 30 cents. There are no setup fees, monthly fees, or card storage fees.

Point of Sale


These are the kiosks at each outlet location


We are using the SeePoint™ Interactive Kiosk System

  • Allow users to sign into a register

  • Register lists out all schools

  • Each school contains all it’s available products and variations

  • Allows user to add products to cart for a customer

  • Connected to

    • Barcode scanner

    • Stripe credit card reader

    • Epson printer to print receipt

Order Fulfillment

Epluno stores, fulfills, and ships each order at its warehouse. By doing so, we do not have to rely on 3rd parties to fulfill orders.

Back Orders

Products that are not available in the store can be put on back order. They will be listed as a separate order in the system.

Currently Donalds has multiple ways of handling a back ordered item:

  1. Exclusive school item they will typically ship at no cost.

  2. Optional items may be setup for store pickup or charged a shipping cost.


We can add custom decoration to apparel at our warehouse. Theses might include things like school logos on their uniform.