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Network Administration

Office Internet Access

Wireless Networks

  • epluno5G

  • ePI Lyons Secure


We utilize email, Discord, and Click Up for communication. See Communication for more details and procedures.

Data Storage

Project Repositories

Project repositories are stored on GitHub and GitLab. Its important to push all projects you’re working on to the remote repositories for shared access and so its backed up.


Documents, images, and other files are stored on shared Google Drives. By keeping files on google drive it allows shared access and its backed up.


We use SSH keys for authentication for server access and github repositories.

  • SSH keys are very secure and prevent vulnerabilities from poor or reused passwords.
  • By only using SSH keys, we ensure only apporved devices have access.
  • Using SSH keys is more convienet because you don’t have to enter your password every time you login.

Docker Integration

Allows multiple micro services to run side by side. If one component stops working, the others will not be affected.

Server Configuration


When the master server reaches its max load or performance is hindered, it will direct requests to the secondary server to balance the load.

Database Redundancies

In the case that the database goes down, there are redundancies so that our services can continue to operate.